This course equips you with the knowledge and techniques to excel in freediving competitions. You'll learn from the best, with insights and strategies shared by freediving champions.
Here's what the Wave 4 course covers:

"Competition Essentials:"  Demystify competition freediving. Learn the rules, setup procedures, and develop effective competition tactics.
"Mental Mastery:"  Gain advanced mental preparation techniques to conquer depth and competition stress. Stay focused and perform at your peak.
"Peak Performance Training:"  Discover how to design a personalized training plan to optimize your freediving performance. Learn about tapering strategies and periodization principles for maximum results.
"Technical Finesse:"  Sharpen your freediving techniques across all disciplines. Improve your mouthfill, equalization (EQ), and underwater movements for efficient dives.
"Safety and Rescue:"  Ensure your safety and the safety of your fellow divers. Learn advanced freediving rescue procedures for emergency situations.

By the end of the Wave 4 course, you'll be a confident and competent freedive athlete, ready to take on the challenges of competitive freediving. You'll also achieve dives of these depths comfortably:

* Static Apnea (STA): 5 minutes or more
* Constant Weight (CWT) / Free Immersion (FIM): 50+ meters
* Constant No Fins (CNF): 35+ meters
* Dynamic Apnea with Fins (DYN): 100+ meters
* Dynamic No Fins (DNF): 75+ meters

The Molchanovs Wave 4 course is your stepping stone to a world of competitive freediving.  Join us and transform your passion into competition success!

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